
Source Code - cSPIKE

Matlab command line library

Description of the codes

cSPIKE v 1.5 30.6.2023: Eero Satuvuori, Thomas Kreuz

This is the main part of cSPIKE. The object offers the basic functionality of graphical user interface SPIKY as a command line version. The main functions are implemented with MEX files and C++ backends. Methods are based on the ISI-distance, the SPIKE-distance and SPIKE-synchronization by Thomas Kreuz et al. The class contains data and methods for storing spike trains as a single set as well as calculating the different distance measures.

To use SpikeTrainSet you need a C++ compiler for your Matlab. Some help

can be found in the following links



SpikeTrainSet objects can be created without compiling MEX files, but

you can't call any distance measures without the appropriate MEX


*** Important ***

Before you use cSPIKE for the very first time on a computer you

need to compile the MEX and C++ backends. To do so go to the folder

cSPIKEmex and run the script "MEX_compile.m". This may take a few minutes.

Every time you call the MEX files (most functions of the SpikeTrainSet

use them) the folder in which they are located needs to be in your

Matlab workspace. The "Initialize cSPIKE"-script will add it to your path. It

needs to be called once every time after starting Matlab and any

additional calls are not needed. This is not called by the SpikeTrainSet!


The SpikeTrainSet implements the following functions

To create a spike train set object call the constructor:

spiketrains: A cell array with SpikeTrains{1} containing an

             array of spike times [spike1 spike2 ...spikeN] for the

             first spike train and respectively for the other spike

             trains. The object accepts only spike data aligned as row


beginning: The start time of the recording

endgin: The end time of the recording

STS = SpikeTrainSet(spiketrains, beginning, ending )

Then you can call methods for the spike train set:

time1: Start time of the analysis interval.

time2: End time of the analysis interval. If not given or if

       time1 = time2 instantaneous dissimilarity value is given instead.

threshold: Threshold for the adaptive method. If not given the

           threshold extracted from the data is used instead.

Profile: Profile object

STS.ISIdistance(time1, time2)

STS.ISIdistanceMatrix(time1, time2)

Profile = STS.ISIdistanceProfile(time1, time2)

STS.AdaptiveISIdistance(time1, time2, threshold)

STS.AdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(time1, time2,threshold)

Profile = STS.AdaptiveISIdistanceProfile(time1, time2,threshold)

STS.SPIKEdistance(time1, time2)

STS.SPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2)

Profile = STS.SPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2)

STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistance(time1, time2, threshold)

STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

Profile = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistance(time1, time2)

STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2) ###

Profile = STS.RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2) ###

STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistance(time1, time2, threshold)

STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, threshold) ###

STS.AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2, threshold) ###



SPIKESM: Spike synchronization matrix

SPIKEOM: Spike order matrix

SPIKETOM: Spike train order matrix ####

[SPIKESM, SPIKEOM, SPIKETOM]= STS.SPIKESynchroMatrix(time1, time2) ####

[SPIKESM, SPIKEOM, SPIKETOM] = STS.AdaptiveSPIKESynchroMatrix(time1, time2, threshold) ####

synchro: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike

         times it contains SPIKE-synchronization values of each spike

Sorder: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike

        times it contains SPIKE-order values of each spike

STOrder: a cell array identical to spike train set but instead of spike

         times it contains spike-train-order values of each spike

[synchro,Sorder,STOrder] = STS.SPIKEsynchroProfile(time1, time2)

[synchro,Sorder,STOrder] = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEsynchroProfile(time1, time2,threshold)

varargin: Each time moment is given as a separate parameter. Returns

          the dissimilarity averaged over all time points.


STS.TriggeredAdaptiveISImatrix(threshold, varargin)


STS.TriggeredAdaptiveSPIKEmatrix(threshold, varargin)

STS.TriggeredRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(varargin) ####

STS.TriggeredAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(threshold, varargin) ####

varargin: Each pair of inputs defines a new interval over which the

          distance is defined. A unique union of the intervals is

          used when defining the intervals over which the average is



STS.AveragedAdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin)


STS.AveragedAdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin)

STS.AveragedRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(varargin) ####

STS.AveragedAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(threshold, varargin) ####

Auxiliary functions:

STS.SetData(spiketrains, beginning, ending )

    Replaces the data in the object with new data


    Gives the a copy of the data array of the object. Data{1} contains

    the edge corrected data and Data{2} the original spikes.


    Returns the threshold value obtained from the set

[time1,time2] = STS.giveTIMES()

    Gives the beginning and the end of the recording


    Plots the spike trains to current axis with colour and spike widith

    given. Default colour is black.

BSD license:

Copyright (c) 2016, Eero Satuvuori All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.



Class for enclosing spiketrains into one class and handling the set.

classdef SpikeTrainSet < handle

   properties (Access = private)

       % Internal datastores.








        % Internal accuracy used by the program. This is the maximum

        % accuracy used. Increasing the accuracy may lead to malfunctions.

        accuracy = 10^-12;


PRIVATE METHODS **************************************************

   methods (Access = private)

Checking data availability

Function is given a bool value if the information is crucial for the calling function. In case it is an error is thrown. If it is not, just a bool value of 0 is returned if there is no data yet.

       function bool = HaveData(obj, crucial)

           % Returning 1 if there is data and 0 if there is not.

            if isempty(obj.DataArray)

               bool = 0;

               if crucial

                   error('No data available');



                bool = 1;



Unique Union

Takes a set of intervals as a cell array so that each pair of two values is an interval. The output is a unique union of the intervals.

       function ReturnArray = UniqueUnion(obj, CellArray )

           starts = [];

           ends = [];

           for i = 1:2:length(CellArray)

               starts(end+1) = CellArray{i};

               ends(end+1) = CellArray{i+1};


            UniqueArray = 0;

            while ~UniqueArray

               moves = 0;

               % Taking each first spike and if it is in an interval, move

                % it to the border of the interval.

                for i = 1:length(starts)

                   for ii = 1:length(starts)

                       if (i ~= ii)

                           if (starts(i) > starts(ii) && starts(i)< ends(ii))

                               starts(i) = starts(ii);

                               moves = moves + 1;





                % Taking each last spike and doing the same.

                for i = 1:length(ends)

                   for ii = 1:length(ends)

                       if (i ~= ii)

                           if (ends(i) > starts(ii) && ends(i) < ends(ii))

                               ends(i) = ends(ii);

                               moves = moves + 1;





                % If there were no moves this round, all the spikes are at

                % the edges of their intervals. There may be multiple same

                % intervals.

                if moves  == 0

                   % now the array is unique. No need to continue.

                    UniqueArray = 1;

                    % Taking each interval only once.

                    Ustarts = unique(starts);

                    Uends = unique(ends);

                    % Since the intervals are in time order and unique,

                    % they will be in correct time order after unique

                    % command. The output is formed based on the intervals

                    ReturnArray = cell(0);

                    for i = 1:length(Ustarts)

                       ReturnArray{end+1} = Ustarts(i);

                       ReturnArray{end+1} = Uends(i);





Checking that the DATA given is valid

Function checks the data and gives an error if the data is not in a correct form

       function CheckData(obj,Data)

           if ~iscell(Data)

               error('Data is not a cell array');


            if length(Data) == 1

               error('One spiketrain');


            for i = 1:length(Data)

               if ndims(Data)~=2 || size(Data,2) ~= 1;

                   error('Data has incorrectly aligned cell array');


                if ndims(Data{i}) ~=2 && (size(Data{i},1)||size(Data{i},2))

                   error('Data has too many dimensions');


                if size(Data{i},1) ~= 1

                   if  ~isempty(Data{i})

                       error('Data has incorrectly aligned vectors');



                if ~isnumeric(Data{i})

                   error('Data is not all numeric');




Cutting function

This function cuts the data so that spikes outside of boundaries are removed.

       function Data = CutData(obj,Data, START, END)

           for i = 1:length(Data)

               inds = not(abs(sign(sign(START-obj.accuracy - Data{i})...

                       + sign(END+obj.accuracy - Data{i}))));

                Data{i} = Data{i}(inds);



       function Data = RoundData(obj, Data)

           dt = obj.accuracy;

           for i = 1:length(Data)

               Data{i} = round(Data{i}/dt)*dt;



Check input times

Checking that times given are in correct order and within boundaries

       function CheckTime(obj,Time1,Time2)

           if Time1  > Time2

               error('Time interval boundaries incorrect');


            if ~((Time1 >= obj.timeStart) && (Time2 <= obj.timeEnd))

               error('time interval not within data bounds');



Correct the DATA Edges

Adds edge correction and makes sure that there are only 1 spike at each time instant. Also rearranges the data into time series.

       function Corrected = EdgeCorrection(obj,Data,time1,time2)

           PooledISIs = [];

           Corrected = cell(1,length(Data))';

           for i = 1:length(Data)

               % 0 or 1 spikes cases

                if isempty(Data{i}) || length(Data{i}) == 1

                   if isempty(Data{i})

                       first = -(time2-time1)*1.2;

                       last = (time2-time1)*2.2;

                       Corrected{i} = [first obj.timeStart obj.timeEnd last];

                       Corrected{i} = unique(Corrected{i});

                       thisST = obj.timeEnd-obj.timeStart;


                        fullST = 0; %flag

                        first = obj.timeStart;

                        last = obj.timeEnd;

                        if Data{i} == first

                           first = -(time2-time1)*1.2;

                           thisST = obj.timeEnd-obj.timeStart;

                           fullST = 1;


                        if Data{i} == last

                           last = (time2-time1)*2.2;

                           thisST = obj.timeEnd-obj.timeStart;

                           fullST = 1;


                        if ~fullST

                           thisST = [last-Data{i} Data{i}-first];


                        Corrected{i} = [first Data{i} last];

                        Corrected{i} = unique(Corrected{i});



                    %The rest

                    thisST = Data{i}(2:end) - Data{i}(1:end-1);

                    if(Data{i}(1) ~= time1)

                       first = Data{i}(1) - max( Data{i}(2)-Data{i}(1), Data{i}(1) - obj.timeStart );

                       thisST = [thisST Data{i}(1)-first];


                        % In case the first spike is at the border it is

                        % not treated as auxiliary spike. For calculation

                        % the next spike does not matter so we add an

                        % "auxiliary" spike very far from the dataset to

                        % mark that the border is a real one.

                        first = -(time2-time1)*1.2;


                    if(Data{i}(end)~= time2)

                       last = Data{i}(end) + max( Data{i}(end)-Data{i}(end-1),obj.timeEnd - Data{i}(end));

                       thisST = [thisST last-Data{i}(end)];


                        % Same for the other end.

                        last = (time2-time1)*2.2;


                    Corrected{i} = [first last Data{i}];

                    % At the end making sure that each dataset has only one

                    % spike at each time instant and that they are in time

                    % order

                    Corrected{i} = unique(Corrected{i});


                PooledISIs = [PooledISIs thisST];


            if(isempty (PooledISIs))

               obj.threshold = 0;


                obj.threshold = sqrt(mean(PooledISIs.^2));


            obj.realISIs = PooledISIs;


Form pooled spiketrain of all spiketrains

Pools all spiketrains into one. Uses unique, so that multiple spikes at same times are filtered out.

       function Pooled = Pool(obj , Data)

           Pooled = [];

           for i = 1:length(Data)

               Pooled = [Pooled Data{i}];


            Pooled = unique(Pooled);


Time shift functions.

These functions take care of the difference between "real" times and internal times. The object computes using positive spiketimes and in case the recording begins at negative times, all data is shifted so that the recording begins from 0 internally. For output the times are again shifted back to original.

       function  [time1,time2,Data] = CreateTimeShift(obj,time1,time2,Data)

           obj.timeShift = time1;

           time1 = time1-obj.timeShift;

           time2 = time2-obj.timeShift;

           for i = 1:length(Data)




        function  [time] = InputTimeShift(obj,time)

           time = time-obj.timeShift;


        function  [time] = outputTimeShift(obj,time)

           time = time+obj.timeShift;



PUBLIC METHODS ***************************************************

   methods (Access = public)


Builds a spiketrain set with the spiketrains given and beginning and end times.

       function obj = SpikeTrainSet(spiketrains, beginning, ending )

           obj.timeShift = 0;

           obj.SetData(spiketrains, beginning, ending );


Not enough input arguments.

Error in SpikeTrainSet (line 471)

           obj.SetData(spiketrains, beginning, ending );

Setting data

Function sets data to the classes own variables. Calls appropriate checking functions to input. Data is only accepted in a single cell array containing spiketrains. If called to a spiketrain set that has already been set, the user is asked for input if it is to be replaced.

       function SetData(obj, Data, time1, time2)

           Data = Data';

           % checking that the data is in correct form.


            %Rounding data to 12 digits accuracy

            Data = obj.RoundData(Data);

            % Cutting spikes outside of interval

            Data = obj.CutData(Data, time1, time2);

            % If there was no data, add the data

            if obj.HaveData(0)

               %presetting answer variable into not n or y

                answer = 'h';

               % If there was data, ask if the data is to be replaced

                while answer ~= 'y' && answer ~= 'Y' && answer ~= 'n' && answer ~= 'N'

                    answer = input('Do you want to replace the data?(y/n)','s');



                if answer == 'y' || answer ~= 'Y'

                    % Swiping old arrays clean

                    obj.DataArray = [];

                    obj.PooledArray= [];

                    % Adding new values to the array

                    obj.DataArray{2} = Data;

                    [time1,time2,Data] = obj.CreateTimeShift(time1,time2,Data);

                    obj.timeStart = time1;

                    obj.timeEnd = time2;

                    obj.DataArray{1} = obj.EdgeCorrection(Data);

                    obj.PooledArray = obj.Pool(Data);



                % Setting the arrays for the first time

                obj.DataArray{2} = Data;

                [time1,time2,Data] = obj.CreateTimeShift(time1,time2,Data);

                obj.timeStart = time1;

                obj.timeEnd = time2;

                obj.DataArray{1} = obj.EdgeCorrection(Data,time1,time2);

                obj.PooledArray = obj.Pool(Data);



ISI METHODS ----------------------------------------------------

The methods in this section are applying ISI distance measure to the data. The section also contains Adaptive extension.

ISI-distance for interval/point

Calculates ISI distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, return dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant.

       function  ISId = ISIdistance(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            ISId = AdaptiveISIdistance(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive ISI-distance for interval/point

Calculates SPIKE distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, return dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant.

       function  ISId = AdaptiveISIdistance(obj, time1, time2, threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            if(time1 == time2)

               ISId = mexAdaptiveISIDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1);


                ISId = mexAdaptiveISIDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);



ISI-distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  ISIdM = ISIdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            ISIdM = AdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive ISI-distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the adaptive distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs. Threshold can be given as a parameter. If not given the one extracted from the data is used.

       function  ISIdM = AdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            ISIdM = mexAdaptiveISIDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold ,time1, time2);


Triggered ISI-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6.

       function  ISIdM = TriggeredISImatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            ISIdM = TriggeredAdaptiveISImatrix(obj,0, varargin);


Triggered Adaptive ISI-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  ISIdM = TriggeredAdaptiveISImatrix(obj,threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');



            time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{1});


            ISIdM = mexAdaptiveISIDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);

            for i = 2:(nargin-1)

               time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{i});


               ISIdM = ISIdM + mexAdaptiveISIDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);


            ISIdM = ISIdM./(nargin-2);


Averaged ISI-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6].

       function  ISIdM = AveragedISIdistanceMatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 0;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');


            ISIdM = AveragedAdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(obj,0, varargin);


Averaged Adaptive ISI-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6]. Threshold can be given as a parameter. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  ISIdM = AveragedAdaptiveISIdistanceMatrix(obj,threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 1;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');



            % Forming unique union of input

            Timeslices = obj.UniqueUnion(varargin);

            time1 = Timeslices{1};

            time2 = Timeslices{2};

            time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

            time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            TotalTime = time2-time1;

            ISIdM = (time2-time1)*mexISIistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            for i = 3:2:length(Timeslices)

               time1 = Timeslices{i};

               time2 = Timeslices{i+1};

               time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

               time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


               ISIdM = ISIdM + (time2-time1)*mexISIistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

               TotalTime = TotalTime + (time2-time1);


            % averaging over time. Each matrix is weighted

            ISIdM = ISIdM./TotalTime;


ISI-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting. See object Profile for more information.

       function  ISIp = ISIdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            ISIp = AdaptiveISIdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2,0);


Adaptive ISI-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting. See object Profile for more information.

       function  ISIp = AdaptiveISIdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            internalProfile = mexAdaptiveISIDistanceProfile(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            internalProfile(2,:) = obj.outputTimeShift(internalProfile(2,:));

            ISIp = Profile(internalProfile);


SPIKE METHODS --------------------------------------------------

The methods in this section are applying the SPIKE-distance measure to the data. The section also contains Adaptive and rate intedependent extensions.

SPIKE-distance for interval/point

Calculates SPIKE distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, return dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant.

       function  SPIKEd = SPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            SPIKEd = AdaptiveSPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE-distance for interval/point

Calculates SPIKE distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, return dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant.

       function  SPIKEd = AdaptiveSPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2, threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            if(time1 == time2)

               SPIKEd = mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1);


                SPIKEd = mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);



Rate independent SPIKE distance for interval/point

Calculates SPIKE distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, returns dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant.

       function  SPIKEd = RateIndependentSPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2)

           SPIKEd = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE distance for interval/point

Calculates SPIKE distance for given interval between time1 and time2. time1 < time2. If no input times are given return value for whole data set interval that is defined. If only one time is given or both are the same, returns dissimilarity of the spiketrains at that time instant. This will use the predetermined threshold. If you then want to set threshold yourself give it as third parameter.

       function  SPIKEd = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistance(obj, time1, time2, threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            if(time1 == time2)

               SPIKEd = mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1);


                SPIKEd = mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistance(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);



SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  SPIKEdM = SPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            SPIKEdM = AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  SPIKEdM = AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            SPIKEdM = mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);


Rate independent SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  SPIKEdM = RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            SPIKEdM = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE distance/dissimilarity matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  SPIKEdM = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            SPIKEdM = mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);


Triggered SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6.

       function  SPIKEdM = TriggeredSPIKEmatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            SPIKEdM = TriggeredAdaptiveSPIKEmatrix(obj,0, varargin);


Triggered Adaptive SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  SPIKEdM = TriggeredAdaptiveSPIKEmatrix(obj,threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');



            time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{1});


            SPIKEdM = mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);

            for i = 2:(nargin-1)

               time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{i});


               SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM + mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);


            SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM./(nargin-1);


Triggered Rate independent SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6.

       function  SPIKEdM = TriggeredRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            SPIKEdM = TriggeredAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(obj,0, varargin);


Triggered Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-dissimilarity matrix

Returns the averaged dissimilarity matrix of the spike trains averaged over time instants defined in inputs. Each instant is given as new variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time instants 1,2,5 and 6. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  SPIKEdM = TriggeredAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEmatrix(obj,threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');



            time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{1});


            SPIKEdM = mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);

            for i = 2:(nargin-1)

               time = obj.InputTimeShift(varargin{i});


               SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM + mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time, time);


            SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM./(nargin-1);


Averaged SPIKE-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6].

       function  SPIKEdM = AveragedSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 0;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');


            SPIKEdM = AveragedAdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, 0, varargin);


Averaged Adaptive SPIKE-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6]. Threshold can be given as a parameter. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  SPIKEdM = AveragedAdaptiveSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 1;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');



            % Forming unique union of input

            Timeslices = obj.UniqueUnion(varargin);

            time1 = Timeslices{1};

            time2 = Timeslices{2};

            time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

            time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            TotalTime = time2-time1;

            SPIKEdM = (time2-time1)*mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            for i = 3:2:length(Timeslices)

               time1 = Timeslices{i};

               time2 = Timeslices{i+1};

               time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

               time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


               SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM + (time2-time1)*mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

               TotalTime = TotalTime + (time2-time1);


            % averaging over time. Each matrix is weighted

            SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM./TotalTime;


Averaged Rate independent SPIKE-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6].

       function  SPIKEdM = AveragedRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, varargin)

           if nargin < 3

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 0;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');


            SPIKEdM = AveragedAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, 0, varargin);


Averaged Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-distance matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time intervals defined as pairs of inputs. The inputs must be in pairs. If the intervals overlap, the average is computed over unique union of the intervals. Input is given as new pairs of variables: (1,2,5,6) being average over time intervals [1,2] and [5,6]. Threshold can be given as a parameter. If a negative threshold value is given the data exctracted threshold is used.

       function  SPIKEdM = AveragedAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceMatrix(obj, threshold, varargin)

           if threshold < 0

               threshold = obj.threshold;


            if nargin < 4

               error('Not enough input arguments');


            if mod(nargin,2) == 1;

               error('Not a paired number of time points');



            % Forming unique union of input

            Timeslices = obj.UniqueUnion(varargin);

            time1 = Timeslices{1};

            time2 = Timeslices{2};

            time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

            time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            TotalTime = time2-time1;

            SPIKEdM = (time2-time1)*mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            for i = 3:2:length(Timeslices)

               time1 = Timeslices{i};

               time2 = Timeslices{i+1};

               time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

               time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


               SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM + (time2-time1)*mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceMatrix(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

               TotalTime = TotalTime + (time2-time1);


            % averaging over time. Each matrix is weighted

            SPIKEdM = SPIKEdM./TotalTime;


SPIKE-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  SPIKEp = SPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            SPIKEp = AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  SPIKEp = AdaptiveSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


         if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            internalProfile = mexAdaptiveSPIKEDistanceProfile(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            internalProfile(2,:) = obj.outputTimeShift(internalProfile(2,:));

            SPIKEp = Profile(internalProfile);


Rate independent SPIKE-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  SPIKEp = RateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            SPIKEp = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive Rate independent SPIKE-distance profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  SPIKEp = AdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEdistanceProfile(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


         if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            internalProfile = mexAdaptiveRateIndependentSPIKEDistanceProfile(obj.DataArray{1},threshold,time1, time2);

            internalProfile(2,:) = obj.outputTimeShift(internalProfile(2,:));

            SPIKEp = Profile(internalProfile);


SPIKE-Synchronization METHODS ----------------------------------

The methods in this section are applying SPIKE-synchronization measure to the data


This function returns the value of the method from the interval given in the input.

       function  synchro = SPIKEsynchro(obj,time1,time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            synchro = AdaptiveSPIKEsynchro(obj,time1,time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization

This function returns the value of the method from the interval given in the input. If no threshold value is given the data exctracted value is used.

       function  synchro = AdaptiveSPIKEsynchro(obj,time1,time2,threshold)


           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


         if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            synchro = mexAdaptiveSPIKESynchro(obj.DataArray{1},threshold/2,obj.timeStart,obj.timeEnd,time1,time2);


SPIKE-synchronization profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  [synchro, Sorder, STOrder] = SPIKEsynchroProfile(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            [synchro, Sorder, STOrder] = AdaptiveSPIKEsynchroProfile(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization profile

Forms a profile between times 1 and 2. The output is a Matlab class Profile, which contains the profile and can even perform a simple plotting.

       function  [synchro, Sorder, STOrder] = AdaptiveSPIKEsynchroProfile(obj, time1, time2,threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            % Change later into a real profile

            [synchro, Sorder, STOrder] = mexAdaptiveSPIKESynchroProfile(obj.DataArray{1},threshold/2,obj.timeStart,obj.timeEnd,time1, time2);


SPIKE-synchronization matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs.

       function  [SPIKESM,SPIKEOM,normSPIKEOM] = SPIKESynchroMatrix(obj, time1, time2)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeStart);

               time2 = outputTimeShift(obj,obj.timeEnd);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            [SPIKESM,SPIKEOM,normSPIKEOM] = AdaptiveSPIKESynchroMatrix(obj, time1, time2, 0);


Adaptive SPIKE-synchronization matrix

Returns the distance matrix of the spike trains averaged over time interval defined by time 1 and time 2. If not given, averaged over whole interval. If given only one time or the same one twice, the returned matrix is dissimilarity between all pairs. If no threshold value is given thedata exctracted value is used.

       function  [SPIKESM,SPIKEOM,normSPIKEOM] = AdaptiveSPIKESynchroMatrix(obj, time1, time2, threshold)

           if nargin == 1

               time1 = obj.timeStart;

               time2 = obj.timeEnd;


                time1 = obj.InputTimeShift(time1);

                time2 = obj.InputTimeShift(time2);


            if nargin == 2

               time2 = time1;


            if nargin < 4

               threshold = obj.threshold;




            NroSpiketrains = length(obj.DataArray{1});

            SPIKESM = ones(NroSpiketrains);

            SPIKEOM = zeros(NroSpiketrains);

            normSPIKEOM = zeros(NroSpiketrains);

            for i = 1:NroSpiketrains-1

               for ii = i:NroSpiketrains

                   if i ~= ii

                       pair{1} = obj.DataArray{2}{i};

                       pair{2} = obj.DataArray{2}{ii};

                       spikes = length(obj.DataArray{1}{i})+length(obj.DataArray{1}{ii})-4;

                       if spikes > 0

                           STS = SpikeTrainSet(pair,obj.timeStart,obj.timeEnd);

                           SPIKESM(i,ii) = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEsynchro(time1, time2, threshold);

                           SPIKESM(ii,i) = SPIKESM(i,ii);

                           [~,~,profile] = STS.AdaptiveSPIKEsynchroProfile(time1, time2, threshold);

                           SPIKEOM(i,ii) = sum(profile{1});

                           SPIKEOM(ii,i) = sum(profile{2});

                           normSPIKEOM(i,ii) = SPIKEOM(i,ii)/spikes;

                           normSPIKEOM(ii,i) = SPIKEOM(ii,i)/spikes;






Auxiliary functions --------------------------------------------

Get function

Gives a copy of the spike data contained in the spike train set

       function  DATA = giveDATA(obj)


           DATA = obj.DataArray;


Threshold value extracted from the data

returns the threshold value extracted from this dataset

       function  [THR, Mean] = giveTHR(obj)


           THR = obj.threshold;

           Mean = mean(obj.realISIs);


Start and end of the data set

returns an array with start and end times of the recording.

       function  [time1,time2] = giveTIMES(obj)


           time1 = obj.outputTimeShift(obj.timeStart);

           time2 = obj.outputTimeShift(obj.timeEnd);


Plotting function

Plots the spike trains to current axis

       function  plotSpikeTrainSet(obj,colour,width)


           if nargin == 1

               colour = 'k';


            if nargin < 3

               width = 1;


            beginning = obj.outputTimeShift(obj.timeStart);

            ending = obj.outputTimeShift(obj.timeEnd);

            hold on;

           for i = 1:length(obj.DataArray{2})

               SpikeTrain = obj.DataArray{2}{i};








Published with MATLAB® R2015b